Above: Rescues Cassie (Aussie Shep) and Karma (lop ear Papillon) snuggling in front of the wood stove.
For over 20 years I was inspired by the Wee Folk to create wings for Mortals and Fae alike to wear. No two pair were alike, each are a set of fine art to adorn rooms or bodies. I set up shop at MD Renaissance Faire, Spoutwood Fairie Festival, Otakon and numerous other venues in the Mid-Atlantic area, winning awards in many juried art shows and meeting so many wonderful people. Three years ago I left the wing-making business so that I could pursue my art on paper with pencils and paints, which is very fulfilling for me.
This is my latest muse, my adorable granddaughter, who lives but a short 10 hour drive away in Canada with her lovely parents and their kitty Harkness. I can't wait to hold her hand when she's a little older and take many walks through the forests and fields, while listening to her perception of the world and later the both of us putting these ideas and words onto paper! Let's go child, the world is waiting! |